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Hundreds Walk Out of Town Hall Meeting
11/10/09 - 10:23 PM
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Mary Scott Speigner - bio
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Panama City, Fla:

What started out as a typical healthcare town hall, turned ugly Tuesday night.

Congressman Allen Boyd held his fifteenth panhandle meeting at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City.

Hundreds of angry citizens stormed out of Congressman Boyd’s healthcare town hall.  From the crowd, people were yelling, “You’re ruining the country!”

“He’s not listening to us and that’s why everybody walked out,” said Bay County resident Burnie Thompson.

“We walked out because he’s not answering the questions,” said Walton County resident Bob Sullivan.

The attendance was lower than expected to begin with, but when Congressman Boyd attempted to divert attention away from a question, the crowd got even smaller.

“When our representative hushes the crowd, he’s not listening to us. And if he doesn’t listen to us he can start clearing out his desk,” said Thompson.

Boyd is one of only 39 democrats to vote against the healthcare bill. He says the bill isn’t financially responsible.  Despite agreeing with his vote, the criticism came out in droves.

“He may have voted no, but it’s smoke in mirrors,” said Bay County resident Cecilia Mackie.

Critics say this meeting came too late. The healthcare bill has already passed in the House.  However, Boyd says this meeting is still relevant.

“We’re right in the middle of this debate. The country is still unsettled about how to solve this healthcare problem,” said Boyd.

Boyd’s supporters say they got the answers they wanted to hear.

“I think he gave everyone an opportunity to speak.  He listened very well.  He was engaged and had a lot of eye contact,” said Bay County Resident Renee Mang.

Next, the bill will face a vote in the Senate.  Boyd says he is encouraging his colleagues to also vote against the bill.

This was actually Congressman Boyd’s second attempt at a town hall in Panama City.  He backed out of the first one in August, citing that people didn’t like the format.

User Comments

“when Congressman Boyd attempted to divert attention away from a question, the crowd got even smaller.”

What was the question? What was Boyd’s response?

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/11  at  02:50 PM

We walked out because he has voted against the MAJORITY interests in solving the health care crisis in this country. He might as well switch parties as he voted with the Republicans which have NO solution except to keep the way things are and still have pre-existing condition expulsions and rate increases every year until they reach according to the CBO,$25,000 to $30,000 a year for a Blue Cross Family Plan within 10 years which will bankrupt employers and citizens and NO one will be able to afford to be covered. Starting teachers only make $32,000 a year and Bay County nor other employers could keep Health Insurance for it’s employees.
The Democrats have a solution which will LOWER the debt over 100 Billion in 10 years and will actually lower Blue Cross Premiums up to 35% it is projected and increase benefits and lower co-pays to ZERO in some instances. That is why the 40 million member AARP and the AMA have endorsed the House Bill as a good one!
The 44,000 deaths need to end.

Posted by retired one  on  11/11  at  11:27 AM

the scuz-ball would not directly answer the questions, is anyone really suprised? he will lie, waffle, beat around the bush, until you get tried of trying to get a straight answer and give up.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  on  11/11  at  09:16 AM
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