wmbb.com - Raw Sewage Spills Into Callaway Waterways
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Raw Sewage Spills Into Callaway Waterways
01/21/10 - 04:18 PM
Bay County Health Department
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click for larger image Callaway, Fla:

A power outage at lift station CA-9 caused a wastewater discharge from a manhole on Old Hickory Street Callaway. The untreated sewage entered a stream leading to the surface waters of Sudduth Pond which flows to Bert Fox Pond, Rogers Pond, Baby Bayou and Callaway Bayou.

Sewage contamination of water can expose bathers to intestinal viruses, bacteria and parasites.

The Bay County Health Department advises against swimming in these waters until further notice.

For more information, you may contact the Bay County Health Department at , ext. 237.

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