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Walton County’s Flooded Roads
01/22/10 - 06:10 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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click for larger image Walton County, Fla:

Walton County commissioners say their goal is to have every road in the county paved… but that takes time and money.

When Walton County gets heavy rain like we’ve seen over the past few days flash flooding obliterates some roads, particularly in the north end. Commissioners say it’s a complicated issue.

Remnants of flash flooding from heavy rains still linger in parts of Walton County. Commissioner Kenneth Pridgen says many roads in his district are in bad shape:  “We’re able to stabilize them where the citizens can get in and out…and rescue squads and whatever needs to get in: school buses and mail…but it’s a real problem.”

Commissioner Cecilia Jones says that a committee meets once a month to discuss which roads should be paved; now they’re working on finding more money for paving:  “We’re looking for stimulus money, looking for grants. Grants are real competitive right now because everyone’s going after them…”

Pridgen says that it’s an issue that many people in his district are angry about “…constant…constantly calling wanting know ‘when my road’s going to be paved. Where’s it on our list.’”

That list shows which roads will be paved and when. It’s compiled by Walton County Public Works and changes from month-to-month. The bad news: some roads aren’t even on the list. So until Walton County finds money in the budget, citizens will have to make due.

A copy of that list is available from the public works office in a hard copy or electronic copy.

The number for Walton County Public Works is .

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