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Washington County House Fire Leads to Drug Arrest
01/15/10 - 11:03 AM
Washington County Sheriff’s Office
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click for larger image Washington County, Fla:

In the early morning hours of Tuesday, January 12, 2010, Washington County Sheriff’s Office received a call in reference to a house fire at 3252 Fawn Ridge Road.  When officers arrived at the location, initial investigation revealed the fire had possibly originated from an active meth lab located in the residence.  The owners of the home were present when officers arrived to the scene, but an additional occupant of the residence had fled shortly after the fire had started. 

Officers discovered ingredients used for manufacturing methamphetamines, as well as syringes, one of which had a clear liquid inside in a bedroom adjacent to where the fire had started. 

The owner of the residence, James Andrew Ward, 50 year old white male, was charged with violation of probation for allowing a known felon with outstanding warrants to live at his residence.  Ward’s brother in law, Troy Allan Stanford, 41 year old white male, who was living at the residence and fled the scene before officers arrived, was charged with possession of methamphetamines with intent to manufacture, production of methamphetamines, possession of narcotic equipment and possession of listed chemicals.  Stanford was arrested Thursday in Bay County.

“Like many law enforcement agencies, our office has been working numerous cases involving meth” states Sheriff Haddock.  “Our message is clear.  We are not letting up.  We are dedicated to working hard in our continued fight against meth.”

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