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Wings of Compassion Fly for Haiti
01/16/10 - 06:34 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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click for larger image Panama City, Fla:

An estimated 100 thousand people are dead as Haiti continues to deal with the aftermath of a devastating earthquake.

Here in Bay County, one man, Rodney Friend is in the air on his way to Haiti to take much needed supplies donated from the Florida Panhandle.

After one stop in Venice, Florida, the plane will make its way to Haiti with food and medical supplies for the victims of the earthquake.

Florida’s Wings of Compassion president, Rodney Friend, says that Key Lime Air donated a plane to help carry the supplies to Haiti. Key Lime originates out of Denver, but handles UPS deliveries out of Panama City and Albany, Georgia. Friend says that originally they were supposed to leave tomorrow, but when Key Lime gave them a much bigger plane, weather no longer was an issue.

Friend received the call today saying that wings of compassion was ready for them to fly into Haiti with the supplies:  “Obviously it’s awesome. We have a passion for God, and we have a passion for people and to be able to help people through what we do…flying…it’s a great thing.”

Wings of compassion can use monetary donations to offset fuel costs as well as supplies for the people in Haiti. All you have to do is simply call Wings of Compassion at 747- 0664.

And along with financial donations Wings of Compassion is also collecting non-perishable food and medical items at several locations.

Bins are set up at Living Word Church on 19th Street, Po’ Folks locations, Complete Auto Care in Lynn Haven and here at News 13 on Harrison Avenue.

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