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Children and Cold Weather
01/11/10 - 04:30 PM
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Rebecca Underwood - bio
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click for larger image Springfield, Fla:

When the temperatures drop, most of us just complain a bit and then throw on a heavier jacket, gloves and maybe a scarf.  But not everyone has that luxury.

When you don’t have those items and the temperature drops, it’s the generosity of the community that can make all the difference in the world.

Leah Margulies, the RTI Coach at Springfield Elementary School tells us, “Our students do not have the normal winter weather clothes that we really need for temperatures in the 20s and 30s.  What we do at Springfield Elementary is provide those winter weather clothes for them.”

This is a closet in the school’s parent center.

The clothes come from donations from teachers, staff and even parents. 

Leah Margulies says with the current economy, parent donations are not always available.
“Our students are in need regularly of clothing items and we do understand possibly some of these items might be shared among their family at home, but we’re thankful for that because we ultimately want of course everyone to be warm and comfortable during this cold period of time.”

Coats, gloves, scarves and toboggans are the items most needed right now, but donations can also be made of pants, shoes, school supplies and polo shirts in orange, white or green.

Margulies says, “The dress code is sometimes more difficult for our parents to get as well so what we do is just make it available and then students have a need and tell their teacher and their teacher contacts the parent center.”

Margulies says the donations help the students learn, because it not only makes them comfortable, but also feel loved and worthy.

She adds, “We also have children who need an incredible amount of love and sometimes the only way we can show that love is by taking care of their basic needs.  By taking care of their basic needs we can show them they are important and matter and from there they can learn.”

You can donate clothing, school supplies or even personal hygiene products to Springfield or any other school in the area.  The schools take donations year round when in session.

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