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Palisades Condo Fire
01/01/10 - 03:46 PM
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Allyson Walker - bio
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click for larger image Panama City Beach, Fla:

Not a good start to the new year for some Panama City Beach condo residents.  A late morning fire damaged four units at the Palisades Condominiums
around 10:45 a.m.

Residents say they their new year started off with a bang, but it wasn’t the bang they’d hoped for.
Around 11 this morning a fire damaged four units and displaced five people at the Palisades Condos on North Lagoon. According to Bay County Fire, the damage is extensive.

A loud bang and a stench of smoke startles then surrounds residents at Palisades Condominiums on Friday morning.  Mary Johnson lives below the unit where the fire started. When she realized there was a fire, she immediately called 911:  “I ran out and the young fellows that live upstairs were coming out on the balcony saying there was a fire, so I ran back to get my cell phone and call 911 and knocked on some of the doors to get some of the people out.”

Neighbors like Jeff Bonomo, also a Palisades Resident, say when they heard sirens close to the complex they didn’t know what to think: “We heard the sirens and I said ‘boy they sound awful close’ so we went out back and didn’t see anything and then we came out front and she said ‘there’s a fire.’”

The fire started in unit 26, which is on the second floor of the complex. According to Bay County Battalion Chief Darel Wise, the fire stayed in that apartment:  “The fire was contained to that apartment and to the attic space to the adjoining apartment upstairs.”

Significant damage doesn’t allow residents affected to remain in their apartments.  Chief Wise says that “We have some water damage in the lower apartment. The other apartment beside the fire apartment has some damage up in the attic which will mean electrical and so on like that so they’re not able to stay in that apartment either right now.”

Mary Johnson says that “My place is in amazingly good shape. There is smoke damage, but the water damage is not bad.”

Victims say that considering the circumstances this New Year’s Day, they’re incredibly lucky.

The American Red Cross is providing food, shelter, and clothing to the 5 people affected by the fire.

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