wmbb.com - Walton County Accident Seriously Injures Three
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Walton County Accident Seriously Injures Three
12/27/09 - 05:25 PM
Florida Highway Patrol
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click for larger image Walton County, Fla:

Three people are taken to the hospital in serious condition after an accident in Walton County Friday night.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a car driven by 30-year-old Jerald Parker was traveling on County Road 147 at a very fast speed, as a second car driven by 52-year-old Sharon Lawhon turned onto the road from State Road 85.

FHP says Parker locked up the brakes, leaving 225 feet of skid marks on the road. The cars collided and spun off the road.

FHP says Lawhon had not send the first car because of terrain limitations and the car’s excessive speed.

Both Lawhon, Parker and Parker’s 21-year-old passenger were transported to the hospital in serious condition.

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