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Chamber Surprises Award Recipient
01/08/10 - 06:02 PM
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click for larger image Bay County, Fla:

One Bay County resident got a special surprise this morning at the monthly county chamber meeting.

Elizabeth Walters accepted the Lauren Merriam Memorial Award. The award is the highest recognition given by the chamber.

Walters was recognized for her leadership within in the Bay County community. The award is usually presented at the chamber’s annual dinner formal, but Walters was scheduled to be out of town that day this year.

Family members surprised Walters by showing up when she received the award. Walters says she was tricked into attending the meeting today and the award came as a surprise.

“Thanks to the broad membership of both chambers, Walters said. “There are so many important volunteers we have in our community. This is a great community to be a part of.”

Walters is an active leader of several community committees.  She plans to travel to Disney World with her family the same day as the chamber dinner formal.

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